
The App Extension

Add the QuasarAuth app extension to you Quasar app:

quasar ext add @vueauth/auth

Select an auth provider:

❯ Laravel Sanctum 

When vueuath is out of beta, many new providers will be added!

Auth Provider Config

Notice the new config/ folder in the root of your project? Open it to configure your app! Here's an example with supabase:

export default {
  credentials: {
    supabaseUrl: '',
    supabaseKey: 'YOUR.SUPABASE.KEY'

Need help setting up your auth provider? No worries! Head on over to Auth Providers

Handling Redirects

Handle redirects by using authenticateRoutes() in src/App.vue

<!-- src/App.vue -->
<script setup>
import { authenticateRoutes } from '@vueauth/quasar-ui-auth'

  <router-view />
Last Updated: 1/14/2022, 7:53:55 AM
Contributors: Luke Diebold